Entrepreneurs Guide To Avoiding The Social Media Comparison Trap
Many of us have been there before—scrolling through our social media feeds on our commute, or while waiting in line at the local coffee shop—getting lost in the news of a colleague’s latest promotion, a friend’s picture perfect vacation photos or the recent business success of an entrepreneur you follow online. Suddenly, we find ourselves comparing our own career paths, business, relationship statuses and financial circumstances to those displayed by our friends online.
The idea of social comparison is nothing new – but social media has heightened our awareness. It used to be that you had to pick up the phone, or drive to someone’s house, to find out how they’re doing; now, you can stay in touch with a simple double tap on their latest Instagram post.
Of course, what we see on social media rarely reflects what is truly going on in someone else’s life. And when we find ourselves comparing our real life stories to their perceived happiness, we always come up short. As Dave Ramsey says, “Never compare someone else’s highlight reel with your behind-the-scenes footage.”
Still, this is easier said than done.
The question is: how can we combat these habits of negative comparison that lead to feelings of inadequacy? Better yet, how do we teach our children—those who are coming of age in the social media era—to use these online platforms in a healthy and rewarding manner?
The ugly side of social media doesn’t have to be its dominant side, however. Here are a few steps you can take to have a healthy relationship with social media and get out of the comparison trap. Let's get into it.
1. When Social Media Makes You Feel Like This
Try This: Try to figure out why you’re making comparisons
Oftentimes, comparisons are grounded in things we are self-conscious about. By analyzing what you’re letting your mind gravitate towards, you can make note of things you can change — in a positive way. For example, it’s common to compare your physique to another’s.
This can quickly spiral into an unhealthy habit, but if it’s something that’s on your mind, consider putting together a healthy plan to eat better and exercise more. Instead of admiring someone else’s commitment to their well-being, focus on yours by eating cleaner and moving for 30 minutes a day, a few times a week.
2.When Social Media Makes You Feel Like This
Try This: Know your triggers (and avoid them)
Is there a certain person that makes you feel inferior? Are there certain accounts you should avoid?
People, places, and things that disconnect you with your own life and don’t bring you value. Make a physical or mental list of those that produce envy and do your best to avoid them.
3. When Social Media Makes You Feel Like This
Comparing your life
Try This: Focus on quiet instead of noise
Meditating or sitting quietly when you realize your social media session isn’t being beneficial to your life can help put you back on the right path.
If you sit with your thoughts and let them naturally come and go, you’ll feel more grounded than if you stay on the social media path and let your mind create more destructive and likely fictional stories.
4.When Social Media Makes You Feel Like This
Try This: Reduce your time on social media
Managing your social media intake isn’t easy. We’ve become accustomed to scrolling through these apps to pass time and gather information, but also out of habit when we feel nervous or anxious.
To make sure you’re using your social media time constructively, give yourself a designated amount of time (no more than 20 minutes a day) to check your social media accounts. Some apps, like Instagram, log this for you. You can also set screen-time limits specifically for social in your phone’s settings.
5. When Social Media Makes You Feel Like This
Try This: Seek Genuine Connection
Social media presents an opportunity to connect in a way no other communication tool has achieved before – but only if we use it effectively. It can be helpful to set boundaries – not only limiting our time on social media (programs like Moment or Stay Focused will track how much time you spend on certain sites and encourage or force you to log off), but also limiting how that time is used.
Rather than wasting minutes—and even hours—scrolling mindlessly through your feed, look for opportunities to comment on posts, send private messages, and seek genuine emotional connection by talking about shared experiences. This is how we foster the kind of relationships that enhance our well-being and provide value both online and off.
There is a Scientific Link Between Social Media and Mental Health.
A recent study in the Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking journal found that Social media use can be associated with lower self-esteem, poorer mental health and greater body shame.

Instead Compare Yourself to…Yourself
Remember, the only person who it is fair to compare yourself to is you. Take time to ask yourself: Are you a better version of yourself today than you were yesterday? Have you improved in ways you wanted to from where you were a year ago?
Remember that envy isn’t a useful emotion, and measuring your life in comparison to those around you isn’t a positive practice. Make it a resolution to focus on yourself and what you have instead of what you don’t have — it’ll make you more content and less tempted to compare.

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