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5 Mistakes You’re Making in your Branding + How To Fix Them... like ASAP

From my sweet branding clients to fellow boss lady friends, we’re all making some mistakes now and then when it comes to our brands. But what we may not realize is how these simply mistakes are costing us business, alienating us from our ideal clients and robbing us of well-deserved brand equity. Let’s nip these in the bud, y’all! Today, I’m sharing five of the sneakiest mistakes I see boss ladies and gents making, and how we can fix them right this second.

1. You’re Trying to Be Everything to Everyone

Problem: In an effort to never offend, never turn people off or never miss out on a potential client, you end up diluting your brand messaging by trying to be everything to all the people. Not only does this leave us with a wishy-washy presence across all platforms, but it doesn’t establish us as experts or even credible sources in our fields.

Solution: Don’t be afraid to turn people off! In fact, the more people you repel, the closer you’re getting to creating that sweet, tight-knit community of people who truly get what you have to offer! Take a long, hard look at what your brand stands for, what it believes in, and what it looks, feels and sounds like, and don’t be afraid to infuse those values, voice and overall aesthetic throughout every single touch point of your brand. Wherever people come into contact with you, whether it’s on social media, your website or in person, they should be able to walk away with a crystal clear vision of what your brand is, what it stands for and why it exists.

2. You Aren’t Playing to Your Strengths

Problem: You’re so busy pursuing someone else’s concept of a successful business that you forgot to take an introspective look into what sets you apart as the face of your brand. The result? A brand that isn’t incorporating your innate talents into a one-of-a-kind experience that’s uniquely you!

Solution: Take a hard look at what sets you apart from the rest. These natural talents, gifts and strengths are your brand’s differentiators. Are you a natural encourager? Incorporate that into your client experience! Do you have a quirky sense of humor that your clients just love? Weave that throughout your messaging on your social, online platforms and print materials! Lean into the specific traits that make you who you are, and allow them to help you set yourself apart from the crowd.

3. You Aren’t Hitting Them Where It Hurts

Problem: Ironically, the problem here is that you’re not solving anyone’s problems! In this state of affairs, you aren’t addressing your ideal client’s pain points through your services, products or messaging.

Solution: In order for our ideal clients to understand how our products or services fit into their lives, they need to be able to clearly identify how said products or services solve a problem they’re facing, alleviate a pain point they’re wrestling with, or add value to their life. In order to hit them where it hurts, and offer a solution, be sure you fully understand who your ideal client is, and what specifically they’re wrestling with. If you haven’t already, create a full profile of your ideal client to determine not only who they are, but what they value, what they believe in, what influences their purchasing habits, what their current pain points are, and more!

4. You’re Not Offering an Experience

Problem: You’re so focused on selling a product or service that you overlook the experience that goes with it. In a world filled with comparable products and similar services, a desirable experience is always the tipping point.

Solution: Instead of just selling products or services, we want to create experiences that woo our clients. Give your clients the chance to become adoring fans by capturing their attention every step of the way! From the very first time they visit your website, to the very last thank you card you send their way, delight and surprise them at every turn. Incorporate your brand’s aesthetic, voice and values into every touch point in order to create consistency and a one-of-a-kind experience.

5. Your Heart Isn’t In It

Problem: In an attempt to not overshare or infuse too much of who we are into our brands, we err on the opposite side of the spectrum and are left with brands that are cold and unfeeling.

Solution: Don’t be afraid of your story! Your clients buy into not only the experience, but the emotion surrounding your brand. Give them something to believe in with clearly defined brand values. Give them something to identify with through a cohesive and distinct brand voice. And give them something to connect with by sharing who you are. What inspired you to start your business? Did your love for photography begin with that first film camera your grandpa gave you for your 8th birthday, and then painstakingly showed you how to use? Share that! As consumers, we are captivated by engaging stories and raw emotion, so give us something to truly invest in.

Your brand has too much potential to not be represented authentically and well, friend. Hopefully these tips will encourage you on your journey to create your best brand yet! Need a little help along the way? I’m accepting custom branding clients, and I’d love to work with you. Get in touch via mycontact form today!

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As a creative by nature and passionate entrepreneur by trade; faith drove me to develop Be of Good Comfort Designs.


I help entrepreneurs start, refresh, and expand their businesses through strategic branding and income-generating web design. 

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